Add Products

Thousands of people use Kartivo to sell their products online.

List and sell as many products as you’d like from your Kartivo dashboard

Sell Digital Products

Add & sell an unlimited number of digital products and simplify your product delivery in a few clicks

Sell Courses (Coming Soon!)

Drag & Drop course builder crafts your courses and makes them look amazing. You can host them with us or anywhere you want

Build Membership Sites (Coming Soon!)

Build any type of membership site the way you like it and easily manage all your members

Funnel Creation & Mapping (Coming Soon!)

Create fully fledged funnels for all your products in just a few clicks

Create Collections

Organize, manage and group multiple products together for better organization

Digital File Protection (Coming Soon!)

Kartivo protects your files in a robust cloud environment and protect them from unauthorized access

Personalized emails

Send customized, personalized and engaging emails to your customers that connect effortlessly.

Account details/login, receipts, fulfillment updates, payment reminders, updates, subscription rebill reminders and more.

Custom Mapping

This is Kartivo's advanced feature for advanced users who want to integrate 3rd party tools to send and receive data

Customer Manager

Manage all your customers easily.

All customers are instantly tracked and displayed in Kartivo. You can import export data and handle everything about specific customers.

Transaction Manager

Our built-in transaction manager allows you to handle transaction processing across multiple products.

Saas/Software Licensing (Coming Soon!)

We built a powerful licensing authentication system that will allow you to control, access and safely deliver licenses for your SaaS and software products

Domain Access & Management (Coming Soon!)

Easily control your domains and access for your content with Kartivo's powerful features

Team Members

Invite your team members to your Kartivo account so they can work on your projects and you can outsource most of the work

Block IPs & Emails

Have full control by blocking certain IPs and emails to prevent spam, fraud and unauthorized access

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